She arrived thirty minutes after we closed for donations. Her day had been challenging. She was headed out of town, but wanted to get her beautiful ‘treasures’ to us. Praying all the way to our building for someone to be there, Alice walked in the door apologizing for being late. We were still cleaning up and organizing things after our own challenging day. We were thankful that we hadn’t left yet for the day. She had been to Bed, Bath and Beyond where she found a huge sale–80% off. There was nothing in the sale rack that she needed, but immediately the Lord brought With Love From Jesus to her mind. For a small amount of cash, Alice filled a shopping cart with new items—yes ‘treasures.’ 

If we had been gone and those ‘treasures’ were left on the dock, they would have been destroyed by the time we returned the next day and her love gift to the Lord would have gone in the dumpster. That would have been a terrible waste. These were amazing, new items that would now bless our honored guests.

It is a great joy to watch the pleasure that many of our givers take in bringing to us such special items. They get it — these are gifts to the Lord for Him to use to bless those who rarely get such special treats. Linens that have been freshly washed and still have the aroma on them, table-top appliances cleaned of all crumbs or build up can look new to those we serve. We have donors that would love to serve but can’t right now. When they bring their linens labeled by size, or their clothes on hangers, or all pieces to something together in a separate box or bag and labeled; they have volunteered!