The Hispanic man asked for cooking oil. The volunteer prayed with him in the clothing area that God would provide and bless him.
A local business owner realized he had a large amount of product that would expire soon.
A semi-truck pulled up and donated 75 boxes of juice.
The leader of a brand new volunteer group followed up with this note to us:
Jessie came for the first time to receive food. His young son was coming to stay with him for a few days,
An e-mail from a volunteer: “My husband and I were sitting at the dinner table tonight talking about our wonderful morning at With Love From Jesus.
It was Anna’s birthday with thanksgiving just a few days away.
For every church, youth group, community group and individual that volunteers or collects resources for us,
Watching the beautiful Body of Christ come together to make Jesus known is a constant joy!
We love the Body of Christ. With Love From Jesus wouldn’t exist without the Body!