The new giver arrived dressed up like a leprechaun along with many others from his company. They came bearing gifts!  Paper products, paper products and more paper products. Since his visit with us two weeks earlier, his company had been busy. Every client was told about WLFJ and invited to purchase a pallet of paper products. Many took him up on his offer to purchase and deliver their gifts. He rented a huge box truck and delivered the treasures along with lunch for our volunteers. What a fun day! 

Two days later, we had youth groups and a local church scheduled to serve. We were blessed to watch the busy hands of these volunteers putting together the beautiful paper products into sets to give away to our community. Our household area received an immediate facelift and the community has been blessed. Teamwork is wonderful. UNITY is AMAZING!  Everyone was doing the part they could and it came together to be a unified work of the Body of Christ to bless our community.