Praise Reports


Tara and her children serve regularly at WLFJ.  Recently she brought in donations to share with the community.  One item was a lovely jewelry box with a dancing ballerina that belonged to one of her children.  As she served at checkout that same day, a honored guest excitedly shared with her that she had found a special treasure for her daughter.  It was the jewelry box that her family had donated.  How sweet of the Lord to allow Tara and her children to see the joy their donation brought to another family.

School Supplies

As honored guests waited for our outreach day to begin, a volunteer moved among them asking if anyone needs prayer. Ricki asked if the volunteer would pray for her a job. While doing her shopping, she received two telephone calls setting up job interviews.  Ricki left encouraged.

Joey drove from Lillington to receive food but God had other plans-Joey received Jesus and food!  Audrey came for food and also received Christ. Many guests come into the prayer center knowing that Jesus is their only hope.  He does not disappoint those who come to Him with seeking hearts.

Praise Report for July, 2015

Sharon stopped in the prayer center because she needed a mattress. She received ministry from a volunteer who blessed her with a mattress.  She also received Jesus!!!  It was an unusual Saturday in that we didn’t have very many volunteers.  We had to close early to serve well those who were in the building.  For the first group of the day, the gospel was given in English with no one to translate. The second group of the day was very different.  A Spanish-speaking volunteer came in and was able to interpret into Spanish. Three people received Christ!  All were Spanish speaking guests!

Praise Report for May, 2015

The community comes to us with many needs and from a very diverse background.

We see honored guests from Mexico, India, Jamaica, Vietnam, Central and South

American countries. Africa and other distant lands in addition to America. We are

quite a melting pot of nations and people.  It reminds me of Psalm 2. God says in 

verse 8: “Ask of me and I will give you the nations as an inheritance, and the far

parts of the earth for your possession.”  We are asking the Lord for these from the

nations that embark on WLFJ soil to be given to the Body of Christ.

Praise Report for February, 2015

Sofia, a young mom with her baby and four year old child was shopping with her. 

They stopped in the prayer center because she wanted to accept Jesus as her

Savior.  She openly wept afterwards saying she was overwhelmed by God’s 

Presence in the room. Tiffany sought the Lord for a job within walking distance

of her home as she has no transportation.

Praise Report for January

A young woman came to the prayer center in our Johnston County WLFJ.

Her husband is being deported. She has several small children and without

his presence and income, this family will be in very difficult places.  Volunteers 

(who probably stand in very different places concerning immigration issues)

surrounded her, prayed over her, and focused on the main problem–there is

only one way to be right with God and that’s through Jesus–and to love those

He sends to us and allow our differences to be left to the side.