
June Praises

A financial gift arrived in the mail with an out of state postmark from someone named Kathy.  We inquired from the donor to learn how they  knew about With Love From Jesus.  A subsequent gift arrived along with a lovely note.  Kathy had been a guest of the ministry for 10 years and regularly visited the prayer center.  During those years she had been in an abusive relationship.  Several years later, the Lord not only helped her to get away from the abuser but had blessed her with a godly mate.  She desired to pass onto others from the deposit the Lord had made in her!

May praises

It is always a blessing to see the Body of Christ come together to serve our community. We don’t allow ourselves to get side tracked with doctrinal differences, political opinions, or even the conditions in this world right now. We focus on the what all believers agree on:

  • There’s only one way to Father God and that’s through His Son Jesus
  • We all stand on equal footing with the Lord–children of the King
  • Our focus is to display we are ONE
  • Our mission is to get others to join ‘The Family’

April Praises

A teary donor came to donate 2 dressers her late father had made for her daughters when they were young. Her daughters, now in their 40’s, wanted to pass them on to a family with small children that could be blessed by these treasurers. About 10 minutes later, they were given away to a young mom with two little girls. The donor was able to share her story with the new owner of these precious gifts. It was a blessing for both donor and guest!  A bi-lingual volunteer explained that the guest had recently moved to this area from Guatemala.

March Praises

The new giver arrived dressed up like a leprechaun along with many others from his company. They came bearing gifts!  Paper products, paper products and more paper products. Since his visit with us two weeks earlier, his company had been busy. Every client was told about WLFJ and invited to purchase a pallet of paper products. Many took him up on his offer to purchase and deliver their gifts. He rented a huge box truck and delivered the treasures along with lunch for our volunteers. What a fun day! 

Two days later, we had youth groups and a local church scheduled to serve. 

February Praises

Mary Ann is a regular guest in Johnston County. She asked several times for a bed, but we didn’t have one. On another visit she asked again and received prayer again. This time we had exactly what she was looking for–a nice single bed was perfect for her small room. As she shopped for food and other needed resources, a donor came to the front door and handed a volunteer a bag. It was a beautiful comforter set for a single bed. Mary Ann not only got her bed but freshly washed linens as well. Each time she comes back to shop,

January Praises

A father and his young son came to shop.  The dad was asking for blankets.  We had given all we had away, however, the volunteer remembered sleeping bags that were set aside and shared those with the guest.  The little boy was excited and thankful, continuing over and over to thank the volunteer for his new blanket.  Most children his age are excited about a new toy or gadget.  This little guy was blessed to have a warm blanket.  “Thank You, Jesus.”  It was our pleasure to meet this need in Jesus’ Name with the prayer that every time they cover up on a cold night,

December Praises

Ella is a regular guest.  After shopping, she returned to her car to find that the battery was dead.  Another guest, dressed in scrubs, offered her jumper cables.  They struck up a conversation as these two ladies together got Ella’s car running.  Ella found out that her new friend worked for a home care service for the elderly.  Ella took the information and contacted the company about a job.  She was hired.  Ella recognized that in the midst of her difficult circumstances, God was doing His own work of provision for her.

November Praises

Alice had been coming to the ministry for a few weeks with a friend.  She was in a car accident and struggled to walk using a cane.  As she labored to make it from her shopping cart to the restroom, she asked the volunteer if we ever received the type of walkers that have a seat.  The volunteer prayed with her for God’s provision.  As she began to shop, a volunteer brought her a walker exactly like what she had prayed for only a few minutes earlier.  A donor had just left one at the donation door.  God’s perfect provision and timing were a great blessing to both Alice and the volunteer.

October Praises

She arrived thirty minutes after we closed for donations. Her day had been challenging. She was headed out of town, but wanted to get her beautiful ‘treasures’ to us. Praying all the way to our building for someone to be there, Alice walked in the door apologizing for being late. We were still cleaning up and organizing things after our own challenging day. We were thankful that we hadn’t left yet for the day. She had been to Bed, Bath and Beyond where she found a huge sale–80% off. There was nothing in the sale rack that she needed,

September Praises

We praise God for the release of book #2 of our CEO Linda H. Williams titled Ordinary Days. Blending stories from the Bible, the lives of volunteers and honored guests at WLFJ and her own personal life, Linda shows us that when we celebrate and share the goodness of God, our faith is strengthened, and we become part of the amazing things He does through ordinary, normal lives.