As one honored guest shared in the prayer center with the volunteer that her husbandd left her which caused her to lose her home, another guest overheard the conversation. She went to the first guest and offered to help with some extra things she had because of her need to downsize. It is always a beautiful thing to watch as God provides.
Teenagers are among those in our community who are hurting. Many stop by the prayer center to receive help, wisdom and prayer. Jessica wanted prayer for her family as her mom passed away last year leaving Jessica to care for her sister in middle school and her brother in elementary school. Their father works two jobs to support them. Her sister has been rebellious.
A regular guest on hospice care always comes with oxygen and always receives prayer. He came this week for prayer but without his oxygen tank saying he’s needing it less and less. The volunteer prayed and praised the Lord! A mom stopped to ask if we could pray for her little girl who is bad. The volunteer prayed for mom and daughter and then encouraged the mom to be very careful about the label she was putting on her young child.
All food items donated during the months of March and April and all financial gifts up and above normal commitments will help us to qualify for a portion of the Feinstein Foundation Million Dollar Grant. Because this is a very competitive grant, we need as many food drives and special offerings as possible to qualify for a portion of this generous grant opportunity. This is a great time for youth groups, businesses, church families and other groups to help.
Leah is a believer but came to the prayer center very discouraged. She is a widow and without a job for the first time. Her children have many needs as well as her sister who she cares for with alzheimers. She received prayer and just needed the reminder that God has heard her prayers and will be her provider. Hector, also a believer, has a job but it doesn’t cover the needs of his family. He received prrayer for employment as a nurse so that he can meet his family’s needs!
Chris heard the good news of the gospel and stopped in the prayer center to cry out to Jesus for salvation. His brother was killed in his mobile home six months ago. How beautiful that God is already redeeming this horrible incident, by drawing Chris to Himself for salvation. Rita is out of work. She is having problems with her mother. The Lord helped her to deal with some anger and forgiveness issues in her life.
Emma shared with a volunteer that her mom in Mexico accepted Christ as her Savior, but Emma was not ready. The volunteer encouraged her to continue reading the Word and then prayed with her that she’d seek and find Jesus soon! Emma was encouraged when the TV she wanted was available. May God use that TV to draw her to Himself! Aralis is a believer going through many difficult things.