
September Praises

A volunteer came to serve with her husband. She’s been having many health issues and a few months ago was able to get some help from the Mayo Clinic in Florida. They referred her to a local doctor for more extensive tests. His office could not see her until the end of Oct. Since August she’s been calling their office regularly to see if there were any cancellations that might move up her visit. On the day she came to serve, she had to leave early because she was not feeling well and then returned to pick up her husband..

July Praises

Savannah, a sixth grader, came to serve on a Saturday when we were challenged for volunteers to cover every area. She manned the canned food shelf alone and did a good job. Her zeal to serve was beautiful. We were giving away backpacks to the children that day and Savannah loved helping other children pick out the perfect backpack for them. Marvin is a handful to minister to. He takes a long time to make his choices and always tries to figure out a way to get something extra. He lingers and watches to see if something being stocked is better than what he already has.

April Praises

It’s been incredible to watch the flexibility of our volunteers as we’ve been serving the community under these more challenging circumstances. Recently, we had to close down early because of social distancing requirements mixed with the restrictions of gatherings to be no more than 10. There were so many more to serve, so several volunteers armed with a gospel devotional (printed in English and Spanish) and pre-packaged boxes of food items went to the parking lot to serve guests there. Many received these resources with thankful hearts and all received prayer. It was a wonderful time of watching God’s people make what we could do work to bless others.

March Praises

Ministry for our volunteers comes in many forms. We have folks that help on days that we bring in honored guests, but also those who help to stock shelves or serve on the administrative team, or do pickups (furniture and food). One of the volunteers serving on the pickup team was struck by the obvious need of a man in the parking lot as the volunteer was picking up food for us from a local grocery store. He pulled over to the man and offered him a sandwich and cookie. This gave him a chance to sow a seed of loving kindness into this man and meet a need before the food ever arrived at the building.

February Praises

Vince came to Raleigh from Mississippi to attend his brother’s funeral and to begin a new job here. He wanted prayer for the Lord’s provision of a place to stay and a place to shower. His friend, James, a regular shopper, brought him to WLFJ. The Prayer Center Volunteer prayed for the Lord’s comfort and strength and for Him to provide for Vince’s needs. After praying they talked about what it meant to surrender your life to the Lord. His friend leaned in and the volunteer asked him, if after his many visits to WLFJ if he had made that decision as well.

January Praises

Carrie and her sons recently moved to N.C. As a believer, Carrie was heartsick over her son’s lack of desire to walk with the Lord. The volunteer prayed for her adult sons to realize their need and turn back to the Lord. A few minutes later, one of her sons (who was with her shopping) came to the prayer center and shared with the same volunteer that as a preteen he received Christ but has been wayward for a long time. The volunteer reminded him that God is always waiting to receive His children back. He asked God for forgiveness and the volunteer prayed for him to seek God concerning his future.

December 2019 Praises

The very amazing Body of Christ came through in every way as we ministered to our Johnston and Wake County neighbors this Christmas season. Children canvassed their neighborhoods, youth groups did toy drives, Sunday School classes shopped, businesses gathered toys and resources, but all pulled together to make the unique WLFJ December experience a special one for our honored guests. It never grows old to hear the laughter and excitement as moms and dads find that special something for their child.

November 2019 Praises

Two volunteers used the place of their own grief to share with our honored guests about the need to be sure they were right with Jesus. Both volunteers stood by their moms this month as they slipped into eternity. With the memories fresh on their minds, both shared the urgency of not putting off until tomorrow this huge and most important decision. As a result of sharing, several guests prayed to receive Christ. God is always redeeming and working through our own life experiences including grief and heartache to draw others to Himself. Both of these volunteers would tell you that it was their honor and privilege to get to share.

October 2019 Praises

Carlos came to WLFJ to shop and met a volunteer who invited him to attend her church. He’s been walking with the Lord, attending church regularly, and was recently baptized at his new church. It was a tremendous blessing for Carlos to find a church family. It was a beautiful encouragement for the volunteer to see her service at WLFJ and her church blend into one.

September 2019 Praises

It seems that in our Johnston County building, God has been at work meeting unusual medical needs. Annie was recently in an accident and needed several different medical supplies. The volunteers were able to meet every request. Valerie came wearing a surgical boot. As she was shopping, the volunteer in receiving–not aware of the need– noticed a surgical boot in the warehouse and decided to place it in the bonus area. Valerie was wearing a boot that was too small but she couldn’t afford another one. She spotted this one in bonus and it was a perfect fit. Amazing God!!